
Three Minds

structurevantage point experiencedshared qualitywondrous wisdom0th mind1st mind2nd mind3rd mind
2+1the same investigatory spirit, arising independently, bringing forth the same abstract structure, in three different abstract, spiritless contexts, monadic, dyadic, triadic, defining subjectivity and objectivitypersons3 persons who understandswho comes to understandwho is understood by both
2+2subjectively, three distinct internal voices, faculties, identities addressing the same subjectactionsconceptions of sevensomewonderingansweringquestioninginvestigating
2+1accordance between a subjective view and its objective context as determined from a neutral point of view upon their presumptions separately and combinedcomplementary relationshipsdialogue within sevensome knownunknownreflective
3+1section of objective context presented to subjectdomains of knowledgefoursomewhetherwhathowwhy
1+1+1+1the increasingly objective abstract contexts by which the fundamental subject is referencedpersons4 personsGod (is God)I (am God)You (are God)Other (is God)
1+1+1+1the abstract contexts in which any subject is engagedpersons4 personsGodIYouOther
1+1+1objectively, the reduction of one abstract context to another abstract contextdistillations  distillationdistillation of distillationdistillation of distillation of distillation
1+1+1+1objectively defining the subjectivity added to a subjective experience of contextoperations3 operationsadd no perspectiveadd a perspectiveadd a perspective on a perspectiveadd a perspective on a perspective on a perspective
1+2objective subjective scope relative to objective universal scopescopes3 families of structure (conceptions, circumstances, divisions) totalpartialmeta
2+1subjective extrapolation of objective constraintsspiritsequation of life Godgoodlife or eternal life
2+1three stacked objective views (outer post view, concurring view, inner pre view) relative to subjective scopeviewsobject-process-subject peripheralfocalattentive
2+1objectively encoded meaning received subjectively through external, internal or pragmatic accessaccess to meaningnecessary object-actual process-possible subject visual (direct meaning)verbal (encoded meaning)juxtaposition
2+1subjective strategy addressing nature of objective realitystrategyone-all-many repeat success (what is)avoid failure (what is not)align and decide (which is relevant)
2+1subjective formulation of objective realitynature of language3 languages neural (reductive from what is)conceptual (constructive from what is not)holistic (analogous from what is and what is not)
2+1objective cumulative view of subjective experiencesstructurings3 structurings necessary-actual-possible sequencehierarchynetwork
2+1subjective view upon objective realityviews on the wholefivesome pastfuturepresent
2+1objective outputs between subjective voicescommunicative outputssixsome conceptions emotioncognitionsilence
2+1objective directing of subjective attentionshifts in attention  local convergingglobal divergingtransferring of analogy
2+1subjective receptions of objective instancesspecificationsfoursome conceptions sensationsrepresentationsaccordances
3+1subjectively desired objective unitiesunities unitybeautygoodtruth
2+1objective expression of elemental subjective applicationapplicationsobject-process-subject particular casegeneral ruleapplication
2+1subjective experience of objective facultyattitudes  intuitiverationalresponsible
2+1objective relationships between subjective freedom and subjective constraintsrelationships between constraint and freedom  freedom within constraintscontrol of freedomfree control
2+1objective context for subjective choicechoicessevensome yesnoand

Analyze what it means to add one perspective at a time with the operation +1. How does that relate manifestations?


  • 3 actions -> upon 3 out of 4 levels of knowledge -> received as instances (sensations vs. representations) -> experienced by 3 actions
  • 3 actions -> defining 3 persons -> defining the addition of perspectives -> defining 3 actions
  • 3 angles upon understanding -> defining persons ascribed to God ->

We see how definitions are established and grounded by way of the three-cycle. The manifestations of the three minds variously relate subjectivity and objectivity.

  • Can any of these manifestations of the three minds be considered composite?
  • Is there an endless variety of manifestations of the three minds?